Dieser Kurs ermöglicht die Grundlagen des Programmierens in C++ spielerisch zu erlernen. Diese gamifizierte Unterrichtssequenz eignet sich hervorragend, um Informationen über die Geschichte der Informatik zu erlangen und Programmieren zu lernen.
Number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, NAND and NOR gates, exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, subtractors , multipliers, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, registers, counters, RAM and ROM memories, programmable logic technologies (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA).
Number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, NAND and NOR gates, exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, subtractors , multipliers, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, registers, counters, RAM and ROM memories, programmable logic technologies (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA).
This is the introductory course for Python for Beginners. Please start here if you have no experience coding in Python. This course is self-paced; you can proceed through the course, but need to complete each unit before moving on to the next unit.
An introduction to the terms, technologies, trends, and best practices of the interactive design industry. Students design, develop, and upload a simple web site using HTML and basic CSS. The importance of writing valid and semantic code is emphasized. Basic web side production stages and requirements such as naming conventions, file organization, project development life cycle, and image optimization are also covered. Prerequisites: None